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Story Soup Kids - Mixing up their next great adventure


Pasta Letters
Story Soup
Sweet Creations
Stir until Done
Peas -n- Carrots



Wash the beets but do not peel them.

Boil them gently for three-quarters of an hour, or till they can be pierced easily with a straw. Then skin them and slice in a hot dish, dusting each layer with a little salt, pepper, and melted butter.

Those which are left over may have a little vinegar poured over them, to make them into pickles for luncheon.

Once Margaret made something very nice by a recipe her Pretty Aunt put in her book. It was called Stuffed Beets.

Stuffed Beets

1 can French peas.
6 medium-sized beets.

Boil the beets as before and skin them, but leave them whole. 

Heat the peas after the juice has been turned off, and season them with salt and pepper.

Cut off the stem end of each beet so it will stand steadily, and scoop a round place in the other end; sprinkle each beet with salt and pepper, and put a tiny bit of butter down in this little well, and then fill it high with the peas it will hold.










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A Little Cook-Book for a Little Girl

Main Page of Book

Margaret's Cook Book

A Note from SSK - Foreword
Little Cook-Book: Cereals
Little Cook-Book: Eggs
Little Cook-Book: Fish
Little Cook-Book: Meat
Little Cook-Book: Potatoes
Little Cook-Book: Toast
Little Cook-Book: Coffee
Little Cook-Book: White Sauce
Little Cook-Book: Main Dish
Little Cook-Book: Vegetables
Little Cook-Book: Salads
Little Cook-Book: Gingerbread
Little Cook-Book: Drinks
Little Cook-Book: Soups
Little Cook-Book: Vegetables
Little Cook-Book: Macaroni
Little Cook-Book: Desserts
Little Cook-Book: Sauces
Little Cook-Book: Ice Cream/Ices
Little Cook-Book: Cakes
Little Cook-Book: More Desserts
Little Cook-Book: Pies
Little Cook-Book: Candy
Little Cook-Book: School Lunches

Dinner Vegetables

Sweet Potatoes
Creamed Cabbage
String Beans
Stewed Tomatoes