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Story Soup Kids - Mixing up their next great adventure


Pasta Letters
Story Soup
Sweet Creations
Stir until Done
Peas -n- Carrots

Cottage Pudding

Cottage Pudding

1 egg.
1/2 cup of sugar.
1/2 cup of milk.
1 1/2 teaspoonfuls of baking-powder.
1 cup of flour.
1 tablespoonful of butter.

Beat the yolk of the egg light, add the sugar and butter mixed, then put in the milk, the flour, the whites of the eggs beaten stiff, and last of all the baking-powder, and stir it up well.

Put in a greased pan and bake nearly half an hour. I

f you want this very nice, put in half a cup of chopped figs, mixed with part of the flour.

Serve with Foamy Sauce.






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A Little Cook-Book for a Little Girl

Main Page of Book

Margaret's Cook Book

A Note from SSK - Foreword
Little Cook-Book: Cereals
Little Cook-Book: Eggs
Little Cook-Book: Fish
Little Cook-Book: Meat
Little Cook-Book: Potatoes
Little Cook-Book: Toast
Little Cook-Book: Coffee
Little Cook-Book: White Sauce
Little Cook-Book: Main Dish
Little Cook-Book: Vegetables
Little Cook-Book: Salads
Little Cook-Book: Gingerbread
Little Cook-Book: Drinks
Little Cook-Book: Soups
Little Cook-Book: Vegetables
Little Cook-Book: Macaroni
Little Cook-Book: Desserts
Little Cook-Book: Sauces
Little Cook-Book: Ice Cream/Ices
Little Cook-Book: Cakes
Little Cook-Book: More Desserts
Little Cook-Book: Pies
Little Cook-Book: Candy
Little Cook-Book: School Lunches


Baked Custard
Tapioca Pudding
Floating Island
Cake and Custard
Brown Betty
Lemon Pudding
Rice Pudding with Raisins
Bread Pudding
Cabinet Pudding
Cottage Pudding
Prune Whips
Strawberry Shortcake
Cake Shortcake
Snow Pudding
Velvet Cream
Easy Charlotte Russe